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TBF + Partner


Torsten Wenk

Touchdown Warriors!

Torsten Wenk offers us an insight into the world of American football. In Winterthur, he trains the tough lads and star players of tomorrow. What exactly is the appeal of American football, and why do kids play with belts and flags rather than protective padding?


Industrial engineer
Road and concrete construction

Role at TBF

Deputy Managing Partner
Member of the Board of Directors
Head of Construction + Traffic Planning division

With TBF since

1 May 2007

Torsten, how does a German come to play American football?

Amer­i­can foot­ball is very pop­u­lar in Ger­many. This is certainly due, at least in part, to the numerous US military personnel that have been stationed in Germany for more than 70 years and the general Americanisation that has come with that. Ger­many cur­rent­ly has 450 Amer­i­can foot­ball clubs with over 60,000 reg­is­tered mem­bers. This means that al­most half of the Amer­i­can foot­ball play­ers in Eu­rope are from Ger­many. Be­tween 1991 and 2007, we also had NFL Eu­rope, an off­shoot of the NFL. It in­clud­ed up to five Ger­man teams and reg­u­lar­ly at­tract­ed up to 30,000 spec­ta­tors per game. It was during this pe­ri­od, in 1992, that I got foot­ball fever. Ul­ti­mate­ly, Amer­i­can foot­ball is a true team sport, which is why I stuck with it af­ter try­ing out many oth­er sports.

In Winterthur, you train junior players in flag football, a variation on American football. Where does the challenge lie?

Two of us are cur­rent­ly train­ing the U13 and U16 Win­terthur War­riors teams. The great­est chal­lenges are re­cruit­ing new play­ers and introducing them to this high­ly tac­ti­cal sport. The kids have to un­der­stand the game (rules, penal­ties, etc.) and learn the re­hearsed plays by heart. Each play is an­nounced with a nu­mer­i­cal code and every play­er has to know ex­act­ly what to do for each play. The more pre­cise­ly the moves are implemented, the greater the chance of suc­cess. Ul­ti­mate­ly, however, we’re train­ing kids sev­en and up, so the fo­cus re­al­ly needs to be having fun.

What should people know about flag football – how does it differ from the sometimes brutal original?

Flag football is a non-contact or minimal-contact variation on American football. In contrast to tackle football, it is played without padding. Instead, each player has two flags which are attached to a belt on their right- and left-hand sides. Instead of tackling your opponent, you have to pull a flag off the player who is in possession of the ball to finish the play. In flag football, you play five against five on a half-sized field. This variant is particularly good for introducing children to the strategy of the sport. And in this growth phase, up to about 13 years, tackle football is really not appropriate.

Locations Switzerland

TBF + Partner AG
Schwanengasse 12
3011 Bern
TBF + Partner AG
Quai du Seujet 10
1201 Geneva
TBF + Partner AG
Via Besso 42
6900 Lugano
TBF + Partner AG
Beckenhofstrasse 35
8042 Zurich

Locations Germany

TBF + Partner AG
Alsterarkaden 9
20354 Hamburg
TBF + Partner AG
Mauerkircherstrasse 9
81679 Munich
TBF + Partner AG
Schlossstrasse 70
70176 Stuttgart

Location in Italy

TBF + Partner S.r.l.
Via Pola 11
20124 Milan