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TBF + Partner

Accompanying the development of an implementation guide for phosphorus recycling

throughout Switzerland

Article 15 of the Federal Waste Ordinance (ADWO) stipulates that phosphorus must be recovered from phosphorus-rich waste from 2016 onwards (with a 10-year transition period). Sewage sludge, as well as meat and bone meal, are considered phosphorus-rich waste. Responsibility must be taken for implementing the various regulations. In this case, the cantons are responsible and need help with enforcement.

The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) therefore developed an enforcement aid, which TBF worked on and supported.

Locations Switzerland

TBF + Partner AG
Schwanengasse 12
3011 Bern
TBF + Partner AG
Quai du Seujet 10
1201 Geneva
TBF + Partner AG
Via Besso 42
6900 Lugano
TBF + Partner AG
Beckenhofstrasse 35
8042 Zurich

Locations Germany

TBF + Partner AG
Alsterarkaden 9
20354 Hamburg
TBF + Partner AG
Mauerkircherstrasse 9
81679 Munich
TBF + Partner AG
Schlossstrasse 70
70176 Stuttgart

Location in Italy

TBF + Partner S.r.l.
Via Pola 11
20124 Milan